Political Nepotism: The Cause and Effects Of Nepotism

Political Nepotism: The Cause and Effects Of Nepotism

Political nepotism is another form of favoritism that is usually granted to family, relatives, and friends on different occasions. This can be in various forms, for example in politics, business, sports, religion, etc. It is a kind of favoritism where people with authority try to accommodate their nears and dears in their professional domain.

Apart from other shapes of nepotism, political nepotism is very common in our society. It has a huge impact on the social structure of any society. In politics, there are a lot of opportunities that can be misused. So, the chances are a bit higher in the field of politics. 

Some political analysts consider it a curse on the political system. They urge the government to minimize its impact on society by implementing a transparent monitoring system. In developed societies, the political institutions are very vibrant, but still one can find the notion of nepotism there as well. 

If we talk about a society that is not politically mature and democratic institutions are not functioning well, there is a huge risk of misuse of power by the political elites. Political nepotism is considered worse, as it hits the social structure more worse than other kinds of corruption

There are a lot of disadvantages of nepotism including deprivation to political victimization of the opponents. 

What is Nepotism and How Does It Affect?

The curse of nepotism can be traced in every walk of our everyday life. It is such an evil that can damage the social and political structure of society. If we talk about business, incompetence in business can lead to an economic crisis in society. But a more important factor of nepotism is the involvement of politicians with undue power and authority. 

Political nepotism is another form of corruption where politicians try to oblige their close ones with unfair means. So, it adversely affects the transparency of the system. The same process happens in business and all other institutions accordingly. So, in order to ensure the transparency of the system, effective and vibrant control and monitoring are strongly recommended.

There are two types of nepotism in business: First, a person may get the job due to their relationship with the CEO or the people hiring the person. In this scenario, the role is given to someone within the family or family-related. This type of nepotism is the common form, but not limited to, in business. Nepotism can also mean that the potential employee is hired or the job is given to someone the manager thinks is deserving of the position but is not known by the company. This is a less common type of nepotism and also can include friends.

In this instance, the hiring manager believes that the potential employee will be loyal to the company and will not be influenced by personal circumstances.

 The Cause of Nepotism

There are several theories for why nepotism has been shown to exist.

Possibly the most relevant theory is that nepotism comes from the human element. Human beings are a social species and as such, nepotism has been documented to occur in several different species of animals, including monkeys, fish, dogs, and lizards.

Scientists have even shown that humans exhibit a greater preference for members of their own group when given the choice to choose between two individuals from the opposite group.

Another factor contributing to the higher rates of nepotism in the world is the influence of institutions. Certain establishments tend to favor family members and friends over others in an effort to establish loyalty and maintain control.

 Why Nepotism Is Common in Politics

Politics can be defined as the government and the actions of individuals and groups in the governing of the country to satisfy their needs and wants by influencing the policies and laws by allocating resources to help the needy, spreading propaganda, and winning the hearts of the people through politics and government activities. Being part of politics is considered one of the most honorable professions to have in society, and people strive to be the best at whatever they do. Nepotism thrives in politics because it allows people to climb the ladder of success to get ahead.

Some individuals in politics can rise to the top without paying attention to their skills or talents. The reason for this is because of a perception that others are more qualified than the person in question.

 The Effects of Nepotism

Organizational Effectiveness and Management

Inadequate Information: It is impossible to evaluate the quality of information about the organization provided to a new person entering the organization. It is impossible to evaluate the quality of information about the organization provided to a new person entering the organization.

 Undercapitalization: Nepotism is often carried out with little regard for organizational finance, resulting in the organization being undercapitalized. Nepotism is often carried out with little regard for organizational finance, resulting in the organization’s undercapitalization.

Inadequate Learning: People often view it as a method to delegate work to a trusted relative without the risk of having their work performed poorly.


In an organized and regulated workplace, there is no justification for nepotism. This is because it is illegal and unethical to use one’s position of power to reward relatives and friends for personal gain. In an organized and regulated workplace, there is no justification for nepotism. This is because it is illegal and unethical to use one’s position of power to reward relatives and friends for personal gain.

Nepotism is a very serious issue that should not be taken lightly. Whereas nepotism in politics is a much more serious issue that can affect the political structure of society. In most cases, it does have an adverse impact on organizations, and on the people who work within them.

 The structure of any society lies upon the shoulder of the administration of that specific society. This administration is usually meant as governance. If there is a misuse of political power, the effectiveness of the political institutions becomes more challenging to deliver. So, a transparent political system can ensure the healthy and smooth function of the political structure.  

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